4 Ways to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Education Goals
When it comes to accomplishing a goal, staying motivated to reach the finish line is always the key to success. We understand that can be tough with the multitude of responsibilities and obligations you’ve got going on in your life.
Balancing school, work, and your personal life can present days of dwindling energy, focus, and motivation to study and stay on top of your school work.
Don’t let a momentary lapse of ambition keep you from achieving your education goals and furthering your future. Power through your academic program with these four motivation tips:
1. Plan for unmotivated days.
Everyone encounters fleeting motivation at one point or another. Exhaustion, stress, and numerous other factors typically cause this feeling, but if you have a plan to overcome days you’re feeling apathetic, you’re more likely to get back on track without skipping a beat.
- Take a break to regroup by going on a walk, run, or bike ride.
- Confide in a close family member or friend and talk about what you’re going through.
- Recharge your mind by diving into something unrelated to school, like cooking a new recipe, reading a new book, or doing something you’re passionate about.
2. Make your goals visible.
Forbes.com mentioned a study done by Gail Matthews at Dominican University which stated “those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not.” Write down your goals and post them in as many places as you can. The best spots are in rooms or on objects you see every day, like on your:
- Bathroom mirror
- Car dashboard
- Computer screen
- Notebooks and textbooks
The repetitiveness of writing and seeing your goals will help you push through tough days.
3. Set benchmark goals.
Setting a goal – like earning a degree, diploma, or certificate – is exciting. Since these accomplishments take time to complete, setting benchmark goals will keep your achievement high and motivation beaming. Benchmark goals are small milestones that help you reach your main goal. These can range from:
- Getting an A on your midterm
- Maintaining a 3.0 GPA this semester
- Studying for an hour each night
- Applying early for the internship you want
4. Recognize your achievements.
With a plethora of distractions that can pop up every day, or with as many items on the to-do list as you have, it can be easy to forget to recognize your daily achievements (no matter how small). Your motivation will benefit from slowing down and celebrating your successes.
- Did you get to work and class on time today?
- Did you learn something new in class this week?
- Did you get a compliment from a teacher, classmate, co-worker, or boss?
- Did you get to spend quality time with your family this week?
On your journey to achieving your education goals, remember to believe in yourself. That’s the best motivation of all.
At Ohio Business College, our goal is to provide you with every opportunity to succeed. You can do this.